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For which purpose is ALBIT used? |
Albit® is a modern innovative
biostimulant of biological origin, its purpose: increase of plant resistance
to drought and to other unfavorable climatic conditions (stresses), neutralization
of stress effect of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, increase of seed germination,
decrease of period of crop formation, increase of crop yield (by 5–30% depending
on crop), improvement of crop quality (increases gluten content in wheat by
1.6 abs.%), immunization of plant against a wide range of diseases (root rots,
Septoria leaf spot, brown rust, mildew, net blotch, bacteriosis, root and stem
rots etc.).
The main ways of using Albit are:
- As an antidote, Albit is used with herbicides,
increasing yields of cereals, sugar beet, sunflower, buckwheat, soybean, and
flax averagely by 16.6% (up to 68%). Addition of Albit to
herbicides provides 1.2–9.9 centners/hectare of average extra yield of cereals,
25.7 centners/hectare of sugar beet, 6.8 centners/hectare of buckwheat. Treatment
with Albit also protects plants from drought and leaf diseases.
- Presowing seed treatment
of cereals,
sunflower, soybean,
millet, pea
and buckwheat. It is possible
to use combinations of Albit with the minimal
recommended doses of fungicides, or (depending on the infection level)
to replace them partially or completely with Albit. Thus,
the total cost of seed treatment might be reduced by 25–90%. Seed treatment
with Albit provides additionally 3.8 centners/hectare of winter wheat, 3.7
centners/hectare of spring barley, 3.0 centners/hectare of sunflower, 4.7
centners/hectare of soybean, 2.4 centners/hectare of pea. Protection of plants
against root rots and advancing immunization against soil and leaf infections
are also provided.
- Joint use of Albit with insecticides
is capable to increase productivity of cereals,
potato, vegetables by 36.1% on average (in case of
(canola up to 93%) in comparison with pure insecticides. Spraying
of wheat with combination of Albit and insectoacarycides against chinch increases gluten content
in grain by 1.2–4.6%.
- Addition of Albit to solution of urea or to other liquid nitric fertilizers,
helps to avoid stress (burns) of plants.
- Protection of apple and
vine, that makes possible 2-3 fold reduction of chemical
fungicide amounts, and harvesting of ecologically pure organic production through partial
replacement of scheduled chemical fungicide treatments with Albit.
- Pre-planting treatment of tubers and foliar spraying of
potato with Albit in alternation with chemical fungicides partially replaces the
chemical treatments.
- Treatment of vegetables, which makes possible
partial or entire replacement of growth promoters, fungicides, and fertilizers.
- Stimulation of fodder grasses (galega, alfalfa,
clover, vetch) regrowth after skewing.
- Induction of flowering of decorative plants and increasing
its duration.
The technology of using of Albit is described in detail in the officially
approved Recommendations for the use of the preparation
Polyfunctional and complex effect of the preparation, due
to the unique mechanism of action, provides the following results of the
use of Albit:
Untitled Document
- Brand-new biotech product
showing universal growth stimulation on all investigated plants. Efficiency
of Albit has been confirmed in more than 500 field trials
on 70 agricultural
- When applied with traditional pesticides
and fertilizers Albit reduces stress caused by chemical treatments. Addition of Albit to
herbicides increases yield averagely by 16.6% over pure herbicide treatment
- Albit increases
of wheat by
0,3-0,5 t/ha, rice by
0,7 t/ha, maize by
0,4 t/ha, potato by
3,4 t/ha, soybeans
by 0,3 t/ha, sugar beet by
4,8 t/ha, kidney bean
by 0,45 t/ha, vegetables by
1,9-11,9 t/ha, horticultures by
0,1-1,6 t/ha, vine by
1.93 t/ha
on average
- Albit increases plant drought-
and heat-resistance by 10-60%
- Albit increases yield
quality (content of gluten in wheat, oil in rapeseed),
reduces mycotoxin contamination
- Via natural mechanisms of immunization, Albit
protects plants against wide range of main plant diseases (rots,
rusts, spots, wilts). Application of Albit allows to
cut costs of application of fungicides by ca. 50%,
conventional fertilizers by 10-30%
- Reliable: Provides consistent
results from year to year under different weather and soil conditions on a variety of crops.
Consistency of effect of Albit is ca.
2 times higher than that of other analogues
- Non-toxic: No adverse human,
animal or environmental impact (8 times less toxic than table salt). Certified for use
in organic farming
- Albit has been successfully
used for over 20 years by farmers in 25
countries ranging from Germany and Switzerland to China and Australia
- Albit is very compact
(1 L is used for treatment of ca. 25 hectares). Liquid product that is easy to use.
Shelf life 3 years
