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Buckwheat |
data about influence of Albit on buckwheat are reported in 9-th Buckwheat
International Congress: Zlotnikov A. K., Stefanina S. A., Kirsanova E. V.,
Glazova Z. I. (2004) Influence of biopreparation Albit on sowing characteristics
and yield qualities of buckwheat seeds. In: Advances in Buckwheat Research.
Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Buckwheat, Prague, August 18 22, 2004. Prague. p.
On buckwheat Albit is applied as antidote for reducing of phytotoxic effect
of pesticides. Also Albit increases germination, activates growth and development,
increases resistance to disease, to unfavorable climate conditions, increases
yield, improves yield quality.
Influence of Albit on buckwheat was examined in trials conducted by All-Russia
Institute of Leguminous and Groat Crops of Orjol oblast and in other institutes
and farms. Since 2002 field trials have been conducted on buckwheat var. Dikul and
on other varieties.
According to results of trials, effectiveness of Albit was not inferior to
that of potassium humate (chemical standard). In these trials, Albit increased:
- yield by 0.26-0.48 t/ha;
- weight of 1000 seeds by 1–4%;
- weight of seeds from one plant averagely by 33.8%.
Albit pre-sowing treatment provides powerful growing stimulation and increases:
- germination by 4–7%;
- development of rootage by 3–12%;
- drought resistance (yield increase up to 50% in extremely dry conditions).
Yield increase of buckwheat under influence of Albit might reach averagely
up to 44.9% over control. Possibly, it occurs because the high
yield potential of buckwheat is not revealed yet. The real productivity
is still lag behind of biological potential; buckwheat is considerably inferior
to all crops in terms of yield and yield stability. The average yield of
buckwheat in Russia in 1994 was just 0.44 t/ha. However, buckwheat is able
to provide yield of 2.5-3.0 t/ha and even more. The causes of low yield
despite of high biological potential take great attention of scientists
for a long time.
There are virtually two groups of causes of low yield, agrotechnical and biological
ones. Agrotechnical causes are:
- buckwheat sowing over inappropriate of contaminated predecessors;
- insufficient weed control before buckwheat sowing;
- lack of mineral nutrients;
- bad timed sowing;
- poor care of plants;
- lack of pollinizers;
- grain losses at harvesting.
Biological causes are:
- Low seed carrying capacity even in case of abundant blossoming (only 10-15%
of flowers turn to seeds) that is due to dying off of greater part of generative
organs both before and after fertilization. It is because of growth of buckwheat
vegetative organs proceeds simultaneously with growth of generative organs which
might suffer of lack of nutrients.
- Leaf surface per one flower of buckwheat even at maximal foliage 1.5-3 times
less than that of spring wheat.
- Comparing to overground biomass, buckwheat rootage is weakly developed and
is unable to provide big amount of flowers and seeds with water and nutrients.
Albit helps to overcome the ‘native disadvantages’ of buckwheat: it improves
rootage, increases overground biomass/foliage growth (averagely by 18.9%). Moreover,
Albit stimulates supplying of generative organs with nutrients (see
here). As a consequence, Albit helps to realize the high potential
of productivity. In addition, Albit increases drought resistance that
increases yield in droughty years up to 50% in field conditions.
Application recommendations:
According to results of trials, the most effective way of Albit application
is presowing treatment; application rate of Albit is 50 mL/t (application
rate of working solution - 15 L/t). Since sowing rate of buckwheat is 70 kg/ha,
treatment takes just 3.5 mL of Albit per hectare.
Despite presowing seed treatment of buckwheat is considered to be the main
one, according to data from farms of Altai kray, foliar spraying in first
half of vegetation period (40 mL/ha) is also effective.
Additional application of Albit as antidote is recommended for maximal anti-stress
effect (foliar spraying at the first half of vegetation season, 40 mL/ha).
Economical efficiency:
In conducted trials Albit demonstrated high economical efficiency. According
to data of All-Russia Institute of Leguminous and Groat Crops (2003).
For all available reports, please see corresponding
table on Russian webpage