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P. 1

Brief Report on Field Trial with bio-stimulant Albit@ /
Anr o noJIeBoM onblTe c npenaparopr A.rrr6nro TIIC

Agricultural crop / Kynsrypa: Spring barleylfl,nvrenr xponož

Variety / Copr: PRESTIGE

Location of triaV Mecro rrpoBeAenufl oIIbITa:
Ditana spol s.r.o. (certified according to standards of GEP "Good Experimental Practices"),
CZ-783 53 Velká Bystřice, Olomouc Region, CzechRepublic /
OOO.{urana (ceprn$raq}IpoBaH corJlacHo cTaIIAapTaM GEP "Good Experimental Practices"),
CZ-7670I Berrxa Bucrpxzqe, Olouoyqxraň xpaž, I{errrcras Pecny6rulra

Experimental field area, ha / il,roqaAr oIIbITHofo IIoJtfl, ra: 0,06
3 x replicate / uonropHocrs 3-x KpaTHa,

Date of sowing l [ara floceBa: 23.03.2012

Date of harvesting l [aray6oplcn: 18.08.2012

Soil and how it was treated/flo.rsa u eě o6pa6oTna:
Clayey soil-standar d tillage/ f rrýIlnvIcTar, iloqBa - cTaHAapTHafl Bcila[IKa

C limatic traits of th e year/I(rrnlraTl{qecrl|e o co6 errrro cTI.I f oAa :
Drought in March (8 mm) and May (38 mm); the cold air temperature in March (average +6 "C)
and April (average +10 "C)/
3acyxa B MapTe (8 uu) H B Mae (38 una); xonoAna_í iloloAa B MapTe (cpe4Hevrecflín*afl,
TeMnepaTypa +6 'C) II B anpene (cpe4rrenaecflIlnag. TeMnepaTypa +10 "C)

Number of treatments with Albit lTlucro o6pa6ororc Anrdnrou: 1-2

Application rate of Albit/HopMa o6pa6orrcra A.rrr6nrouz 40 mllha l 40 rnrnlra

Amount of working solution/Pacxog pa6ouero pacTBopa: 300 llha l 300 nlra

Outline of experiment/Cxepra oIIbITa:
there were 3 variants:
1. Control - only fungicide treatments against diseases, dose of nitrogen N-fertilizer 107
kglha and without Albit
2. Albit 1 x treatment - nitrogen N -107 kgha, standard pesticide treatments
3. Albit 1 x treatment - nitrogen N -107 kglha, standard pesticide treatments
4. Albit2 x treatment - nitrogen N -107 kglha, standard pesticide treatments
5. Albit2 x treatment - nitrogen N -90 kg lha (the dose of nitrogen fertilizers applied was
reduced by 16 oÁ),2 x standard fungicide treatment (the dose of fungicides applied was
redused by 25 %) l

3 napuarrra onblTa:
1. Kourpons - o6pa6orr 107 xr/ra u 6eg A_rrs6ura
2. Arrr6rar 1 x o6pa6oTKa - ypoBeHb N-y4o6perrns I07 rr/ra, cTaHAapTHax o6pa6orra
3. Arrsdrar 1 x o6pa6oTKa - ypoBoHb N-y4o6peHug I07 rr/ta, cTaHAapTHax o6pa6orra
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