
Albit® is a global standard
of anti-stress crop protection. Albit is a unique plant antidote
of biological origin that is successfully applied in agricultural systems
of Russia, republics of CIS, Germany, France and other countries of the
European Union, Switzerland, China, South Korea, South and North America, and Australia
Advantages of Albit:
- Brand-new biotech product
showing universal growth stimulation on all investigated plants. Efficiency
of Albit has been confirmed in more than 500 field trials
on 60 agricultural
- When applied with traditional
pesticides and fertilizers Albit reduces stress caused by chemical treatments.
Addition of Albit to herbicides increases yield averagely
by 16.6% over pure herbicide treatment
- Albit increases
of wheat by
0,3-0,5 t/ha, rice by
0,7 t/ha, maize by
0,4 t/ha, rape by
0.38 t/ha, potato by
3,4 t/ha, soybeans
by 0,3 t/ha, sugar beet by
4,8 t/ha, kidney bean
by 0,45 t/ha, vegetables by
1,9-11,9 t/ha, horticultures by
0,1-1,6 t/ha, vine by
1.93 t/ha
on average*
- Albit increases plant drought-
and heat-resistance by 10-60%
- Albit increases yield
quality (content of gluten in wheat, oil in rapeseed),
reduces mycotoxin contamination
- Via natural mechanisms
of immunization, Albit
protects plants against plant diseases (root
rots, brown rust, powdery mildew, late blight, bacterioses). Application
of Albit allows to
cut costs of application of fungicides by
ca. 50%,
conventional fertilizers by 10-30%. Makes
soil healthier
- Low application rates. Practically without increasing the cost of treatment,
adding of Albit provides guaranteed high, stress-free effect of pesticides
in any conditions
- Reliable:
Provides consistent results from year to year under different weather and
soil conditions on a variety of crops. Consistency of effect of Albit is ca.
2 times higher than that of other analogues
- Non-toxic:
No adverse human, animal or environmental impact (8 times less toxic than
table salt). Certified for use in organic farming
- Albit has been successfully
used for over 20
years by farmers in 25 countries ranging
from Germany and Switzerland to China, South Korea and Australia
- Albit is very compact (1
L is used for treatment of ca. 25 hectares). Liquid product that is easy
to use. Shelf life 3 years
- As opposed to other plant growth
stimulants, Albit is a true antidote
(removes phytotoxic effect of herbicides
on cultivated plants and does not effect on herbicidal properties).
Albit is protected with patents ‘Antidote
composition of biological origin for agriculture’ and ‘Product for yield increase
of plants and protection them against pathogens’. Albit has been helping farmers for over 20 years
More about Albit
